
This deliverable aims at explaining the structure of the AGILEHAND system and its constituent

elements, as well as how the system interacts with its surroundings.

The creation of the AGILEHAND Architecture as a strategic tool using cutting-edge and industry- specific technologies as a base is one of the challenges in implementing the various solutions to be developed.

The definition of usage, functional & technical specifications will be of paramount important during the use case implementation in terms of: a common lexicon that facilitates communication; a common architectural vision that focuses the efforts of numerous people and teams; modularization, which separates the work and fosters an atmosphere favorable to later integration; the conceptualization and manifestation of the domain.

Deliverable’s architecture for AGILEHAND Solutions is based on the use of several concurrent views. The management of functional and non-functional needs independently, as well as the worries of the multiple AGILEHAND project stakeholders, technical and business partners, is made possible by the diversity of viewpoints.

In terms of perspectives, the various stakeholders that may engage with the solutions are examined, related to the roles that have been defined, and associated with how a company’s data flows. After that, the applications of the solutions, their features, the specification of technologies, and the requirements for their implementation are examined.

The Architecture Framework (AF), a set of standards, techniques, and guidelines, is used to explain architectures that have been built within a particular application area or group of stakeholders. This AF takes into account a set of standards for the creation, understanding, and application of an AGILEHAND architectural perspective that frames one or more stakeholder issues. There might be a correspondence rule in the AF that names or identifies connections between two or more architectural description elements.