Next week, after AgileHand Project plenary meeting in Madeira, we will have the opportunity to share our views, plans and achievements with our sister projects HARTU project, SMARTHANDLE EU Project and MASTERLY Project EU during a workshop organized in the frame of the Madeira Digital Transformation Week!

We will speak about Integrating Flexible Robotics and AI for Adaptive Production Lines for soft and deformable products.

This workshop will explore cutting-edge innovations in robotic technologies and artificial intelligence that aim to transform the European manufacturing landscape by enhancing the flexibility, agility, and efficiency of production systems. The session will delve into how these technologies can be applied to handle a diverse array of products, from soft and deformable objects to varied part sizes and materials, supporting the shift from mass production to customization, not forgetting social and human impacts.

We invite you to join this exciting workshop and share your views on this innovation challenges!